Monday, September 3, 2012

Groovy highlighting, continued

I was wrong. I thought that ignoring method argument types was enough to avoid complex data flow with cyclic dependencies. I absolutely forgot about method call qualifier. It can be complex and contain many local variable references which may easily lead to cyclic dependencies. Too many method calls have qualifiers, and ignoring all of them would render the argument-based type inference feature.

I tried to decrease the performance slowdown by caching the things that are invoked during resolve but don't depend on other local variables and thus don't lead to cyclic dependencies and are actually cached. For example, the list of all non-local declarations visible from a particular reference in code. That gave some speedup, but not enough for me.

So I remembered that once there was a completely different type inference algorithm. It was control-flow-based, it was smart, it inferred the local variable types for the whole method at once. It walked the control flow graph and incrementally refined the variable types. I had abandoned it because it had three issues:

  1. Each iteration used the previously computed types which were stored in a global thread-local variable. Not beautiful.
  2. The results based on these partially-computed types were cached elsewhere and used by other highlighting threads which led to spurious errors in the editor.
  3. Sometimes whole-method inference is not needed and slow, e.g. when you're searching for usages and want to resolve just one reference as quickly as possible.
Now I had to give a second thought about abandoning that algorithm. OK, it had all those problems, but at least it was fast. So why not try to solve those problems another way?
  1. Non-beautiful global thread-local state. That's easy, you just have to pass this state around to all the methods that deal with type inference and resolve. Easy, yes, but quite tiresome. After about two hours of non-intellectual parameter propagation, when my changelist exceeded 50 files, I decided I can live with this global thread-local state and reverted everything.
  2. The problem of caching. It's actually easy as well. There's not many places whose caching leads to multi-threading problems, so it's easy to introduce yet another indirection level there and cache those results in the same global thread-local state during type inference.
  3. Finally, the "find usages will be slow again" problem. One can analyze the variable dependency graph on each other and infer the types for a strongly-connected subcomponent of that graph. So far I haven't done this though.
But I have done everything else! I've restored the algorithm and adapted it to the new feature set, which was tricky. Now Groovy type inference in IntelliJ IDEA doesn't introduce any cyclic dependencies caused by local variables and is not exponential. Seems fast enough on my cases, but of course, there's always something to improve in that area. In fact, for some code it's a bit slower now, I have to investigate that.

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